Monday, September 5, 2011

few truths

So, I'm confused. I'm confused about what to do with social networking, more so, twitter than anything. I know this probably seems like a minor problem and I have copped some abuse from some users of twitter, but I think it's become time to let it go. To everyone who has judged me about someone who just complains a lot.. I share my thoughts in hope that someone else also feels the same or that maybe it helps someone Understand someone else they know. Please see further than these problems, YES I have a Genetic Disorder that can affect mental health/mood etc YES I have been through some huge ups and downs YES I have contemplated killing myself on numerous occasions YES I am Ashamed to admit some of the things I have done YES I am probably way too honest about this YES I need friends right now and I do seem needy and pathetic on twitter but I am not. I am simply a person in need of help and find things difficult to talk about. Twitter is where I am not afraid to speak up and though it seems pathetic, I am no more pathetic than any of you. I just want to be me

1 comment:

  1. You have courage to put yourself out there like this. Please remember that when people judge you it is a reflection of their character flaw not yours. People don't have to look, they don't have to read but they do. Why? Because they are interested. Because they seek to understand. You only hear their first impression. Then, they think about it. Some more than others. "To thine own self be true"
