Sunday, March 23, 2014

Post "12 years a slave"

I know of the hate in the world, specifically the hate from the past and the treatment of others due to race. However, the movie "12 years a slave" affected me, it made me feel so close to what was happening that I felt I was somehow involved. It made me question everyone and everything. 
It was a brilliant piece of filming, the acting was amazing as was the direction. The film was worthy of the Best Picture Oscar that it won and I challenge anyone to watch it without feeling some of the emotion I felt. 
It was brutal and at times, hard to watch but it happened. These people were treated this way.

Since I was a child, I've always had a  big issue with racism. I remember being deeply affected by the movie, Roll of thunder, hear my cry after seeing most of it on TV one day. 

Every scene of 12 years a slave made me think more about the treatment of others and how disappointed I am sometimes in the human race. The unnecessary violence, anger and hate and even the way those characters tried to intimidate with words. It scared ME and I was sitting in a cinema over 100 years later. 

All I can hope for is that people can watch this and feel what I feel. Through this, others might see that hate causes nothing but pain for all. 
I urge anyone reading this, to practice the love & compassion that we all need more of and educate others who to do so too. 

Breathing for anxiety

An interesting way to approach anxiety: 
Quite often, people tell sufferers of anxiety to just "breathe"
That's good advice because we've all got to breathe but it's only helpful if we know HOW we should be breathing. 

Smell the roses (long deep breath in, taking time to smell the flowers)

Blow the candle out (I like to think we are blowing a few candles out just to make sure we are exhaling properly)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Reason, Season, Lifetime


I want to use this post to acknowledge all who have been a part of my life up to this point. Whether negative or positive experiences, I'm continually learning from each of you.
To those who remain by my side, thank you.
I can't begin to thank you enough and hope that I too, can teach you something throughout our friendship. 

To a special friend who I feel is a kindred spirit, I couldn't have got through my last week or two without you. You may never quite realise how special you are and what a positive difference you make in not only my life but this world. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

"Do not let the behaviour of others disturb your inner peace" -Dalai Lama

Letter to a Bully

I wish I knew what to say, I wish I knew what to do.
Old memories resurface and make it all harder to bare.
I struggle with behaviours I don't understand. 
I'm a lover, not a fighter
I don't know how to handle the anger, the constant frustration and the need you have to take everything out on me. 
The constant nagging, the false accusations, the need for you to show that you are superior to me. 
I can see what you are trying. I understand your insecurities but why me?
All I can think of is that you are somehow threatened by me. You don't like to see that I am in fact good at what I do.
I never thought I'd be able to admit that but it is you showing me. 
I may never understand exactly why you are such a bully to others or why you behave the way that you do. Just always know that I will never accept the cruelty that you show others.
I hope things can improve for you and that you see what you are doing to others. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

So Blessed after so many challenges

During the past week, I have been faced with some mighty big challenges. Some in which it didn't seem I was going to make it through.
It has only taught me that no matter how low things can get, I can come out of it a stronger and wiser person.

It has taken some wonderful people to believe in me and to show me the way and I probably couldn't have made it without their support. I am feeling so blessed to have these people in my life. It's a beautiful feeling knowing there are people around that care enough to make such a difference in your life and support through all situations. Everyone deserves a chance, everyone deserves to be accepted and for once, I am being given that.