Saturday, October 29, 2011


Hoping to close this chapter for good very soon but realising that although the chapter may close, I will always have the memories, the experiences and the lessons learnt from each and every challenge. I have a focus, a drive to help to contribute to a better world. I am motivated to be the change, make a difference and work toward a peaceful place for all beings. I will keep reminding myself of my goals and work at being compassionate always and grow from each challenge and experience. I only hope that each of you witnessing my journey through life can see who I am and understand that by sharing my challenges, I am trying to help. This may be spreading negativity but I want you to see that I am not a negative person. I am unwell, at times I can lose control. At these times, this is merely sickness and therefore I won't allow myself to be defined by it. What I am trying to achieve is a balance, an acceptance and only then can I claim control of my life. It's not an easy thing to do, admitting the problems you face, seeking help when needed nor is it easy to accept that you've lost that control that you once held so proudly. I don't want you to reflect on the things I've said or done during this time but more so, the approach I am trying to take. The desire to show you that things happen in life that we aren't proud of. We can lose our way, our control but these moments don't define us. We can't allow them to become us, we need to learn from them and move another step forward. I'm not the only one that experiences life's challenges, we all do. There's a lesson in this for all of us. Please, accept me for me, see who I am not the sickness I may have. Do this for others. Show compassion to everyone, you never know what they are going through themselves. Love & Hugs Nikki

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