Thursday, October 20, 2011

Life, Challenges & thanks to give

This past few weeks have been very challenging. The side effects and symptoms of discontinuing medication as well as the effects of taking the wrong dose, have knocked me around. I haven't been myself and my head as well as my body were overcome with strange feelings, thoughts & Illness. I try so hard to remain strong & positive, however this has been pretty impossible. One thing I have realised though, during the last few weeks is that I can't fall apart. I see those around me taking months off work, complaining every day about high pressure situations and simply not coping. Every time I feel I must admit I'm not well to others or I need time off everything to just fall apart, I'm told of someone else's story. Someone who is going through something & not coping as well as I am. I'm left to pick up the work of others as they fall around me and are forced to live home bound and away from the pressures of life. I struggle daily, I arrive at work with a massive headache but choose to keep things to myself. I don't like these sorts of things to effect my work and choose to push through. Within minutes, I am informed that my boss has a headache, not only am I required to push through my pain, I am also now expected to work harder, faster and with more enthusiasm. It's just the way it is, no matter how big or small, someone else is always struggling. This is all not to mention the others who struggle in other parts of the world, without homes or food, safety or security. I know that my life isn't that bad in comparison to some. I do however understand that we are all allowed to deal with struggles in different ways, which we do. We experience a great deal of suffering throughout life & each of us have a different approach. Some of us can become so overwhelmed through pain, loss & health difficulties that we lose sight of the lessons that lie in each of life's challenges. All I can do is thank every one of you who has supported me, been available to talk/listen , offered advice or simply been here for me without judgement. I understand that the negativity can be extreme, that in the worst of times, it can be difficult to hear, this is why I'm so grateful to those of you that i can call friends. For quite a few days, i needed the company of friends. I needed less time alone. It's during those times, you realise exactly who you can count on. I don't ask for visitors or for help but it was necessary and those that helped me get through last week, I am forever grateful. Stick with me, I'll be back to my best soon enough! Peace, Love, Happiness Nikki

1 comment:

  1. I am in agony for you. Reading on to learn what your challenge is. But I am completely impressed with you and want to know more. Reading on.
