Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Challenges of life and death

Here I sit, wondering if a blog is really what I should be doing right now but at the same time, not knowing what to do with these thoughts. I've chosen to share them as others may be able to relate and therefore, in times of pain, its possible I could help. My words are all jumbled as are my thoughts, this most likely won't even make sense. I have recently received news of a death, a death of someone very young, a child in fact. Hearing this, I was in shock, I found out via a phone call while at work so my reaction was quite censored. Not only was it a shock to me but it was a shock to everyone, completely unexpected. I work with many Children and this was one of them one in which I felt I had a bond with. We often did funny things together and I have countless memories of these moments. I have always felt as though I understand death and the process since I experienced it all through a close family member, but the thing that I can't quite grasp is that, to compare those two deaths, one was 70 years older than the other. She had lived a life, she'd experienced it, the ups and the downs. She had a chance at starting a family, seeing Grandchildren grow up etc. How/why does a child get taken away from us? It's quite difficult to comprehend. Now the difficult task of going back to work with all of this child's friends, all touched by their gorgeous and cheeky little friend who made us all smile. I have to be the strong one, show them that this is a part of life and be there for them, all while I try to come to terms with it myself. I will, I'll be there, for my staff as well and anyone else. But there'll be this part of me inside, struggling, fighting back the tears and wishing I could sing with you just one more time. Xx

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