Sunday, July 31, 2011


I lie awake at all hours of the night unable to sleep due to many different things. Today, someone's put me in a mood too close to bed time and now I can't relax. Just a few days ago, it was the state of the world. I was and still am, angry at the way some people choose to behave. It frustrates me to hear people snickering behind others backs or pointing and laughing at someone who isn't the same as them. What makes their way the right way? We do by following them. If we simply choose to disagree with them And be proud of who we are and accept others as individuals, we win. Just recently, I have been amazed by reactions from people who I believe to have been open minded and very accepting of people. It saddens me to realise that though society is improving in some ways, it is also dying in other areas. Racism, Homophobia, Sexism... It does seem to be less prevalent. Though we would like to stamp these behaviours out completely, it is becoming increasingly more unacceptable to behave this way. Having said this, there seems to be a huge increase in bad manners, judging overweight people, disrespecting different generations. It disgusts me to see the way in which some people behave. This is what keeps me awake at night

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