Sunday, November 6, 2011

Putting it out there- to a special person

I feel I must write this as a letter, it's an open letter to someone specific, someone who has shared so much with me, who has been through it all themselves and yet, still has the time to be a friend to me. 

Dear ________
I know that life deals us with difficult situations and that everyone suffers from loss or sadness of some type throughout their lives. I even understand that when dealing with stresses, that sometimes, it can be all you can think about.
But you have proven this belief wrong. You have shown 
me that, although your problems are there, and possibly even outweighing mine, you can make time for mine. 
I'm not one to speak of my feelings to the first person that shows interest. Nor am I likely to find it easy to discuss my problems. But, to do so, knowing you could hear my every word, unedited and uncensored, was a huge deal for me. 
I amazed myself with my ability to speak with you without even suffering from any anxiety symptoms. I honestly feel that your open mind, open heart and open eyes were able to find me and see me, not my illness but, me as a person. For this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart (and the top, sides and whatever other part of my heart) for being a great friend. 
I also want you to see what I see in you. Believe it or not, you are a tower of strength, the way you express your feelings and your own battles and try to overcome daily obstacles in a way that inspires, that's strength. You, like many, suffer from pain yourself. It's this pain that you feel that helps you to reach out and connect to others. I am motivated by your ability to share and discuss your pain so readily in order to assist those that aren't so clear on where they're at. 
You may experience low moments in which you feel it's necessary to do or say harmful things or times when it's not good to be around others but I am inspired by your attitude, that despite all of these experiences, you continue on your path. 
I want to thank you, I'm forever grateful to have someone like you in my life and I need you to realise that through all of you troubles, you are helping people. So, please, never give up, continue to be that wonderful person and work toward being as happy as you can be.
I feel like through this very short time that I have known you, I have become a better person for it, not only because we connect through similar experiences, but in other ways too.
I feel that this letter may seem a little full on for you  but I also  believe that some things just need to be said.
I need you to understand how valued you are and what a difference you have made in my life

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