Well, I've had a very interesting last few weeks. But here I am, still standing after finding out some interesting things and attending some difficult appointments.
Every thing I suffer in life has a reason, I know that getting through this last challenge is tough and I think I've been through the worst.
I am still working through some of my life's biggest challenges and may never reach the point where I can keep the doctors happy but I WILL keep trying.
I have no answers, my life is filled with unanswered questions and I aim to
find some way of getting there.
My aim in life, my purpose is to be happy. My happiness stems from being compassionate and showing love for to everyone and appreciating who they are. If I can love others, I can definitely learn to love myself. I've been kind to myself in the past, been confident in myself. However, through all of these challenges I have been faced with, it's led me to lose some of that confidence, gain self doubt and
Self esteem has been impacted.
This is my vow to try to overcome those demons, to put the past in the past. I need to do this not only for myself but for those who care for me.
I just hope I don't let anyone down
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