Thursday, July 19, 2012


I don't know what to say or how to explain my feelings. It feels impossible. What I do know is that the feeling never leaves me. I constantly have this struggle that I'm carrying and it won't go away. I feel like I know where it is coming from, the search continues though to find someone that agrees with me.
Over the next week, I will rediscover my love for the texts and teachings of various Buddhist monks as well as reflecting on what I learnt from the Dalai Lama himself. I know all of that which I've learnt will continue to make me grow. I have a great deal to offer and aim to help others to understand what it is I have learnt about life.

I suppose I needed to stumble in order to find a way to cope. I need struggles before I have answers.
Though there's some quite personal answers I am still seeking, I believe I am on the right track to being able to help others

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