Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Strong will Continue

I'm back after a while away from posting anything on here as I have had a few things to manage. I have recently been criticised for my honesty and for not knowing when to keep things to myself, I have had comments from those that don't understand my situation about my behaviour. It was those same people that motivated me to write a blog in the first place. I understand that it's public and that I am making my thoughts aware to all by doing so. However I do this for various reasons, I have nothing to hide. I have daily struggles as most people do, I am choosing to share these experiences in the hope that I may be able to increase awareness, decrease stigma or help someone who is feeling the way I do sometimes.

 Haters are going to hate, I can't change that. People are going to have differing opinions, I can't change that either. What I can change is my approach to situations. I have moments in which I want to give it all up, throw in the towel, run away or crawl into a hole and simply die.But what keeps me from doing so is that behind every ounce of suffering, I find the real 'me'. 
Strong, positive, spiritual and mindful. I remember that it is who I am and I am motivated to continue along this roller coaster ride.
If one person reads my posts and alters their way of thinking to a more positive one, I have then achieved what I have set out to. I have has many messages of support from those I know as well as those that have just stumbled across this blog. I know for a fact that I have helped several people and this is why I will continue.
I thank those who have helped me in any way to realise this and who have shown me a reason to keep at it despite the many struggles along the way. I may be riding this roller coaster with an unwelcome passenger but I think, given the right attitude, we can eventually learn to get along
Love & Hugs

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