Friday, September 9, 2011

Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic If I were to describe this man, I probably wouldn't do him justice. Those of you who don't know his story, I couldn't recommend his book 'life without limits' any higher. Nick is a man with a very positive message, a message I so often try to put across in my words but Nick has the ability to tell it in a way that I can't.  Nick and I both encourage others to embrace their uniqueness, discover themselves and to accept the things in life that we have no control over. We can all overcome obstacles and celebrate life. Another difference between us would be my arms and my legs. Nick does all this positive thinking without limbs. He chooses not to allow this to hold him back.  A much bigger obstacle than any I have had to overcome. Nick uses his faith in God to help give him strength but personally, I believe that our thoughts and our mental strength are what really helps us overcome life's problems. The power of compassion and giving to others shines through in Nick's story. Through giving to others, we ourselves become happier, more positive people. Nick encourages philanthropy through his own foundation as well as speaking for many others.  I'm still in the process of reading this book but I felt Nick Vujacic's message was important enough to share now. I may not be able to explain my feelings or preach my beliefs in a way that people listen. I don't have a voice that is often heard. I wouldn't even be brave enough to speak to such large groups as Nick does. So I thank him for spreading this message. Because by doing all of what Nick does, he is helping me share the love. Please, if anyone reads this post, be sure to check out at the very least  Love and Hugs xo

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