Monday, August 22, 2011

true beauty in people

Hi Friends! I'm very tired and it's been a massive week in my world bit my world is your world so it's about time I share some things eh? Well not quite! Sorry I don't want to get in to detail today of the happenings of my past week. I purely and simply want to invite you to share a moment with me. This moment, I am feeling blessed to have some wonderful people walk in to my life and have such a profound effect on me. I am not going to specify, but you know when you meet someone and you instantly like them? You have a connection? Not talking about in love, just in general. I have had that quite a few times, there are 3 or 4 people I feel it with at the moment in a big way. They're people I need to get to know more, I feel I must talk to them. Is this a common feeling? I am drawn to specific people all the time and tonight, I have been to a further extent. Just when I was beginning to accept that people come and go and the only real friends you have at my age are the ones you went to school with, I realise this: There are many more beautiful souls out there that accept you just as you are and this is the beauty of social media. I am blown away by one person in particular who has shown me who I am, has seen me deeper than I thought many could. I know who I aim to be and what I strive to become but she sees it, sees me. I am forever grateful for the confidence this friend has given me to continue to be That person and to develop and grow in to an even better person Thanks, I'll write more when I'm not so sleepy x

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