Sunday, August 7, 2011

Not Quitting

Hi Everyone, as you may know, it's been a tough week, even a tough few weeks but I am finally getting a few answers. I haven't written for a few days due to how I've been feeling. I've wanted to give up on things that I knew were good for me and the general lack of understanding from people was almost the final straw. This was until I realised that I can't control what others think. I can't help that others think I sound pathetic or needy or that I'm simply seeking attention. I know this isn't the case and therefore, nothing else matters. So, I've been To the Doctor and on top of it all, I have a back injury. I've started new medication with what I already had so I have been drugged up for the last few days and really been out of it. A very bizarre feeling but hopefully this feeling will go away soon and I can continue on this crazy roller coaster ride we call life

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the back. Nothing worse than a back injury :(
